Gagnon, René - "Lac à Palomon" - 1966
CA$400 - CA$600
Live Auction
Gagnon, René
Gagnon, René (1928-2022)
"Lac à Palomon" (1966)
Huile sur isorel signée en bas à droite René gagnon, datée et titrée au dos. Certificat d'origine de galerie
8" x 10"
20 x 25.5 cm
Gagnon, René (1928-2022)
"Lac à Palomon" (1966)
Oil on masonite signed lower right René gagnon, dated and titled on the reverse. Gallery certificate of origin
8" x 10"
20 x 25.5 cm
"Lac à Palomon" (1966)
Huile sur isorel signée en bas à droite René gagnon, datée et titrée au dos. Certificat d'origine de galerie
8" x 10"
20 x 25.5 cm
Gagnon, René (1928-2022)
"Lac à Palomon" (1966)
Oil on masonite signed lower right René gagnon, dated and titled on the reverse. Gallery certificate of origin
8" x 10"
20 x 25.5 cm
René Gagnon, né en 1928 à Chicoutimi, est un peintre paysagiste canadien autodidacte. Dès l’âge de 16 ans, il développe son talent en côtoyant des artistes québécois comme Marc-Aurèle Fortin et René Richard grâce à son oncle marchand d’art.
Il expose pour la première fois en 1959 à Arvida, puis à Montréal et New York. En 1967, il fonde la Galerie des peintres canadiens à la Place des Arts. Son art s’exporte à l’international, notamment à Paris dans les années 1970 et en Asie en 1995, où il peint la jungle malaisienne lors d’un séjour dans le parc Taman Negara. En 2004, il explore les paysages marocains, notamment le désert d’Ouarzazate.
En 2014, il inaugure le Petit musée René Gagnon dans le Vieux-Montréal après 30 ans d’absence dans la métropole. Reconnu pour ses paysages du Saguenay et des Laurentides, il décède en janvier 2022 à 93 ans.
René Gagnon, born in Chicoutimi in 1928, is a self-taught Canadian landscape painter. From the age of 16, he developed his talent by working with Quebec artists such as Marc-Aurèle Fortin and René Richard, thanks to his uncle, an art dealer. He exhibited for the first time in 1959 in Arvida, then in Montreal and New York. In 1967, he founded the Galerie des peintres canadiens at Place des Arts. His art was exported internationally, notably to Paris in the 1970s and to Asia in 1995, where he painted the Malaysian jungle during a stay in Taman Negara Park. In 2004, he explored Moroccan landscapes, notably the Ouarzazate desert. In 2014, he inaugurated the Petit musée René Gagnon in Old Montreal after a 30-year absence from the metropolis. Renowned for his landscapes of the Saguenay and Laurentian regions, he died in January 2022 at the age of 93.
René Gagnon, born in Chicoutimi in 1928, is a self-taught Canadian landscape painter. From the age of 16, he developed his talent by working with Quebec artists such as Marc-Aurèle Fortin and René Richard, thanks to his uncle, an art dealer. He exhibited for the first time in 1959 in Arvida, then in Montreal and New York. In 1967, he founded the Galerie des peintres canadiens at Place des Arts. His art was exported internationally, notably to Paris in the 1970s and to Asia in 1995, where he painted the Malaysian jungle during a stay in Taman Negara Park. In 2004, he explored Moroccan landscapes, notably the Ouarzazate desert. In 2014, he inaugurated the Petit musée René Gagnon in Old Montreal after a 30-year absence from the metropolis. Renowned for his landscapes of the Saguenay and Laurentian regions, he died in January 2022 at the age of 93.