Ravary, Marcel - "en arrivant à la Malbaie"
CA$600 - CA$800
Live Auction
Ravary, Marcel
Ravary, Marcel (1940-)
"en arrivant à la Malbaie"
Huile sur toile, signée en bas à droite M Ravary et contre signée au dos
24'' x 30''
61 x 76 cm
Ravary, Marcel (1940-)
"en arrivant à la Malbaie"
Oil on canvas, signed on lower right Mravary and signes on the back
24'' x 30''
61 x 76 cm
"en arrivant à la Malbaie"
Huile sur toile, signée en bas à droite M Ravary et contre signée au dos
24'' x 30''
61 x 76 cm
Ravary, Marcel (1940-)
"en arrivant à la Malbaie"
Oil on canvas, signed on lower right Mravary and signes on the back
24'' x 30''
61 x 76 cm
Marcel Ravary, né à Montréal en 1940, a suivi une formation à l’École des Beaux-Arts de Montréal avant d’explorer divers horizons artistiques, notamment la scénographie et la mise en scène théâtrale. Dès 1970, il décide de se consacrer pleinement à la peinture, développant un style qui capture avec finesse et humour le quotidien montréalais. Son regard attentif transforme les rues et ruelles de la ville en véritables tableaux vivants, où l’architecture et la présence humaine occupent une place centrale.
Ses œuvres, souvent de petit format, se distinguent par une approche spontanée et une palette de couleurs vibrantes. Chaque toile devient une fenêtre ouverte sur des scènes empreintes de souvenirs. Qu’il s’agisse d’environnements urbains ou ruraux, Ravary parvient à transmettre l’essence des lieux et l’énergie qui les anime. Son art, profondément expressif, illustre à la fois le mouvement architectural et la dynamique des citadins, offrant une vision vivante et sensible de la ville et de ses habitants.
Marcel Ravary, born in Montreal in 1940, trained at the École des Beaux-Arts de Montréal before exploring various artistic horizons, notably stage design and theatrical direction. In 1970, he decided to devote himself fully to painting, developing a style that captures everyday Montreal life with finesse and humor. His attentive eye transforms the city's streets and alleyways into veritable tableaux vivants, where architecture and human presence take center stage. His works, often small-scale, are characterized by a spontaneous approach and a vibrant color palette. Each canvas becomes a window onto scenes imbued with memories. Whether in urban or rural environments, Ravary succeeds in conveying the essence of places and the energy that animates them. His deeply expressive art illustrates both architectural movement and the dynamics of city dwellers, offering a vivid and sensitive vision of the city and its inhabitants.
Marcel Ravary, born in Montreal in 1940, trained at the École des Beaux-Arts de Montréal before exploring various artistic horizons, notably stage design and theatrical direction. In 1970, he decided to devote himself fully to painting, developing a style that captures everyday Montreal life with finesse and humor. His attentive eye transforms the city's streets and alleyways into veritable tableaux vivants, where architecture and human presence take center stage. His works, often small-scale, are characterized by a spontaneous approach and a vibrant color palette. Each canvas becomes a window onto scenes imbued with memories. Whether in urban or rural environments, Ravary succeeds in conveying the essence of places and the energy that animates them. His deeply expressive art illustrates both architectural movement and the dynamics of city dwellers, offering a vivid and sensitive vision of the city and its inhabitants.