Bouchard, Lorne Holland - "Pulpwood (Porneuf County)" - 1971
CA$600 - CA$800
Live Auction
Bouchard, Lorne Holland
Bouchard, Lorne Holland (1913-1978)
"Pulpwood (Porneuf County)" (1971)
Huile sur panneau, signée en bas à gauche Lorne H. Bouchard, signée et datée au dos Lorne H. Bouchard R.C.A. 1971
12" x 16"
31 x 41 cm
Bouchard, Lorne Holland (1913-1978)
"Pulpwood (Porneuf County)" (1971)
Oil on panel, signed on lower left Lorne H. Bouchard, signed and dated on the back Lorne H. Bouchard R.C.A. 1971
12" x 16"
31 x 41 cm
"Pulpwood (Porneuf County)" (1971)
Huile sur panneau, signée en bas à gauche Lorne H. Bouchard, signée et datée au dos Lorne H. Bouchard R.C.A. 1971
12" x 16"
31 x 41 cm
Bouchard, Lorne Holland (1913-1978)
"Pulpwood (Porneuf County)" (1971)
Oil on panel, signed on lower left Lorne H. Bouchard, signed and dated on the back Lorne H. Bouchard R.C.A. 1971
12" x 16"
31 x 41 cm
Né à Montréal en 1913, Lorne Bouchard étudie à la Barnes School of Art et expose dès 16 ans au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal. Influencé par Clarence Gagnon et Maurice Cullen, il développe un style mêlant réalisme et impressionnisme.
Après une carrière en design et illustration, il devient peintre à plein temps en 1952. Il réalise des couvertures de magazines et des œuvres pour des entreprises comme Seagrams et Nordair. Inspiré par les paysages sauvages du nord du Québec, qu’il découvre en 1928, il privilégie une approche rapide pour capturer lumière et atmosphère, utilisant divers médiums, du couteau à palette à l’aquarelle.
Membre de la Montreal Art Association et de l’Académie royale des artistes canadiens, il s’éteint à Montréal à 65 ans.
Born in Montreal in 1913, Lorne Bouchard studied at the Barnes School of Art and exhibited at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts from the age of 16. Influenced by Clarence Gagnon and Maurice Cullen, he developed a style combining realism and impressionism. After a career in design and illustration, he became a full-time painter in 1952. He produced magazine covers and works for companies such as Seagrams and Nordair. Inspired by the wild landscapes of northern Quebec, which he discovered in 1928, he favored a rapid approach to capturing light and atmosphere, using a variety of media from palette knife to watercolor. A member of the Montreal Art Association and the Royal Canadian Academy of Artists, he died in Montreal at the age of 65.
Born in Montreal in 1913, Lorne Bouchard studied at the Barnes School of Art and exhibited at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts from the age of 16. Influenced by Clarence Gagnon and Maurice Cullen, he developed a style combining realism and impressionism. After a career in design and illustration, he became a full-time painter in 1952. He produced magazine covers and works for companies such as Seagrams and Nordair. Inspired by the wild landscapes of northern Quebec, which he discovered in 1928, he favored a rapid approach to capturing light and atmosphere, using a variety of media from palette knife to watercolor. A member of the Montreal Art Association and the Royal Canadian Academy of Artists, he died in Montreal at the age of 65.