Chiparus, Demetre - "Bayadère" - c.1925
CA$40,000 - CA$50,000
Live Auction
Chiparus, Demetre
Chiparus, Demetre (1886-1947)
Roumanie / Romania
"Bayadère" (c.1925)
Chryséléphantine - Sculpture en bronze à patine dorée et brune, visage et mains en os sculpté, reposant sur une base en marbre ornée d'une plaque en bronze. Signée D H Chiparus au bas gauche de la plaque en bronze à la base.
Hauteur totale / Total height : 21"
Hauteur totale / Total height : 53.5 cm
Rapport de condition:
Légère fissure au niveau du visage, n'impacte pas la solidité de la pièce
Chiparus, Demetre (1886-1947)
Roumanie / Romania
"Bayadère" (c.1925)
Chryselephantine - Bronze sculpture with golden and brown patina, face and hands in carved bone, resting on a marble and stone base adorned with a bronze plaque. Signed D H Chiparus on the lower left of the bronze plaque on the base.
Hauteur totale / Total height : 21"
Hauteur totale / Total height : 53.5 cm
Condition Report:
Slight split in the face, does not affect the solidity of the piece
Roumanie / Romania
"Bayadère" (c.1925)
Chryséléphantine - Sculpture en bronze à patine dorée et brune, visage et mains en os sculpté, reposant sur une base en marbre ornée d'une plaque en bronze. Signée D H Chiparus au bas gauche de la plaque en bronze à la base.
Hauteur totale / Total height : 21"
Hauteur totale / Total height : 53.5 cm
Rapport de condition:
Légère fissure au niveau du visage, n'impacte pas la solidité de la pièce
Chiparus, Demetre (1886-1947)
Roumanie / Romania
"Bayadère" (c.1925)
Chryselephantine - Bronze sculpture with golden and brown patina, face and hands in carved bone, resting on a marble and stone base adorned with a bronze plaque. Signed D H Chiparus on the lower left of the bronze plaque on the base.
Hauteur totale / Total height : 21"
Hauteur totale / Total height : 53.5 cm
Condition Report:
Slight split in the face, does not affect the solidity of the piece
Né en 1886 en Roumanie, Demetre Chiparus est un sculpteur emblématique de l’Art déco ayant exercé son talent à Paris au début du XXe siècle. Il quitte son pays d'origine à 22 ans pour aller étudier la sculpture à Florence, en Italie. Quatre années plus tard, il se laisse happer par le rayonnement culturel mystique de la capitale française et se rend donc à Paris poursuivre ses études à l'École des Beaux-Arts.
Son œuvre, principalement composée de sculptures en bronze et ivoire, met à l’honneur des danseuses exotiques inspirées des Ballets russes et du music-hall, tout en s'inspirant des caractéristiques de l'art égyptien, qui le fascine. À cette époque, l'orientalisme suscitait un vif engouement, offrant aux danseurs la possibilité d’exprimer une gestuelle plus expressive et envoûtante que celle des ballets classiques traditionnels.
Sensible à cette tendance, Chiparus développe un style raffiné et maniériste en puisant dans cet univers pour capturer l’élégance et le dynamisme de personnages tels que Siva, Cléopâtre, Isadora Duncan ou encore Bayadère, une artiste indienne mêlant chant et danse.
Installé à Paris, il transforme son appartement en atelier et adapte progressivement sa production à une demande croissante. Il se spécialise dans la chryséléphantine et son processus créatif repose sur des esquisses détaillées et des sculptures en plastiline, avant le travail de fonte et d’assemblage des matériaux. Il finalise chaque pièce en appliquant une peinture à froid et en l’agrémentant d’un socle en marbre ou en onyx, conférant à ses œuvres une touche luxueuse et distinctive.
Reconnue de son vivant, son œuvre séduit collectionneurs et institutions, avec une fascination pour son travail qui s'est intensifiée depuis les années 1970, renforçant son statut de figure majeure de la sculpture décorative Art déco.
Born in Romania in 1886, Demetre Chiparus was an emblematic Art Deco sculptor who worked in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century. He left his homeland at the age of 22 to study sculpture in Florence, Italy. Four years later, he fell under the spell of the French capital's mystical cultural influence and moved to Paris to continue his studies at the École des Beaux-Arts. His work, mainly bronze and ivory sculptures, features exotic dancers inspired by the Ballets Russes and music hall, while also drawing on the characteristics of Egyptian art, which fascinated him. At the time, orientalism was all the rage, offering dancers the opportunity to express a more expressive and captivating body language than that of traditional classical ballets. Sensitive to this trend, Chiparus developed a refined, mannerist style, drawing on this universe to capture the elegance and dynamism of characters such as Siva, Cleopatra, Isadora Duncan and Bayadère, an Indian artist combining song and dance. Settled in Paris, he converted his apartment into a studio and gradually adapted his production to growing demand. He specializes in chryselephantine, and his creative process is based on detailed sketches and plastiline sculptures, before casting and assembling the materials. He finalizes each piece by applying cold paint and adorning it with a marble or onyx base, giving his works a luxurious and distinctive touch. Recognized during his lifetime, his work attracted collectors and institutions alike, with a fascination for his work intensifying since the 1970s, reinforcing his status as a major figure in Art Deco decorative sculpture.
Born in Romania in 1886, Demetre Chiparus was an emblematic Art Deco sculptor who worked in Paris at the beginning of the 20th century. He left his homeland at the age of 22 to study sculpture in Florence, Italy. Four years later, he fell under the spell of the French capital's mystical cultural influence and moved to Paris to continue his studies at the École des Beaux-Arts. His work, mainly bronze and ivory sculptures, features exotic dancers inspired by the Ballets Russes and music hall, while also drawing on the characteristics of Egyptian art, which fascinated him. At the time, orientalism was all the rage, offering dancers the opportunity to express a more expressive and captivating body language than that of traditional classical ballets. Sensitive to this trend, Chiparus developed a refined, mannerist style, drawing on this universe to capture the elegance and dynamism of characters such as Siva, Cleopatra, Isadora Duncan and Bayadère, an Indian artist combining song and dance. Settled in Paris, he converted his apartment into a studio and gradually adapted his production to growing demand. He specializes in chryselephantine, and his creative process is based on detailed sketches and plastiline sculptures, before casting and assembling the materials. He finalizes each piece by applying cold paint and adorning it with a marble or onyx base, giving his works a luxurious and distinctive touch. Recognized during his lifetime, his work attracted collectors and institutions alike, with a fascination for his work intensifying since the 1970s, reinforcing his status as a major figure in Art Deco decorative sculpture.